We offer patriotic &
family friendly
Active Military, Seniors, Veterans
50% discounts
First Responders
Police, Firefighters, Paramedics,
Emergency Medical Technicians (EMTs)
50% discounts
Dependent Family
We offer 2-for-1 tickets!
If you reside in a town whose Local Cultural Council (LCC) made an award for Afternoon of Brass #3, then you are in luck! You may be entitled to a heavily discounted ticket (one per resident). Click here to see if you are eligible!
We are proud to participate in the Card to Culture program, a collaboration between the Mass Cultural Council and the Department of Transitional Assistance, the Women, Infants & Children (WIC) Nutrition Program, and the Massachusetts Health Connector, by broadening accessibility to cultural programming. We offer EBT, WIC, and ConnectorCare cardholders a 80% discount on ticket prices! You can review the complete list of participating organizations offering discounts here: EBT, WIC, and ConnectorCare
Discount offers may not be combined
Tickets are not transferrable
Quantities limited: get your tickets early
discounted tickets
Getting your discount is easy
Just use promo codes when purchasing tickets online
Active Military and Veterans
Use promo code "NBEMIL"
Bring your military ticket and ID
First Responders
Police, Firefighters, Paramedics,
Emergency Medical Technicians (EMTs)
Use promo code "NBEFR"
Bring your ticket and ID
Use promo code
or "NBECC"
Bring your ticket and EBT, WIC or CC card
Use promo code "LCCYourTownName"
(forexample LCCMedfield"
NOTE: Your billing address must match one of these towns
otherwise your ticket may be invalidated
Bring your ticket and a photo ID with your address
Click here to see if you are eligible!
Discount offers may not be combined
Tickets are not transferrable
Quantities limited: get your tickets early